Doing research on how to promote and sustain the long-term visions of a green campus, laying the groundwork for expanding a green campus, developing university programs on how to reduce the usage of energy and greenhouse gas emissions, developing programs on how to train green leaders, and building and operating a cooperation network for the proliferation of the green campus. |
Improving the environment of campuses, reforming curriculums, assessing campus environments, doing joint research on renewable energy and green technology, and conducting businesses with local communities. |
Organizing a green campus committee in each member university in order to systematically carry out the green campus campaign and distributing green campus materials to support green campus activities. |
Supporting members of various universities so that they can understand the concept of a green campus and participate in the activities through the advisory council of presidents, green campus exhibitions, energy conservation and environmental protection activities, and green leader training summer camps. |
Conducting internationally-linked activities that will help local universities to cooperate with foreign universities and playing a leading role in actualizing love for the environment and living things, as well as sustainable development. |